Quality Statement

Idiomatic Language Services can provide you with an updated ISO9001 certification if you require it.

We work with qualified professional translators. To make sure high quality standards are met we implement a rigorous selection criteria for our suppliers, designed to only include those who have the qualifications and the experience to undertake the work to the high standard required. These translators have to have pass linguistic tests or other associated quality metrics successfully. 

We also enforce an on-going review of the recruitment criteria carried out by the team

We also implement an on-going training course for our team on our processes, systems and programmes to ensure continuous improvement and customer satisfaction 

We adhere to  formalised internal team ethics procedures where any team member can raise an issue of ethical concern for review according to ISO standards. External  annual internal audits are performed

We incorporate a customer satisfaction  invitation for feedback from clients on all file completion emails where files are returned to the client 

We have a  formalised customer complaints procedure 

There is a policy for internal communication of the quality and translation processes to all staff.